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bagindo - - dog training

A number of reasons exist in regards to why dogs bark. Your dog barking can warn you if a stranger approaches or there is an intruder trying... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

Dog training could go smoothly for a while and then you just have "one of those days." Your dog is not paying attention to you and... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

You probably had no idea before getting a dog the different training methods available. Do you know which one to choose? Before deciding on ... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

Agility training is actually preparation for a doggie sport that started in the late 1970's to fill in some time between some events in ... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

The advantage of employing a remote trainer for modification purposes during the sit and stay command is good. You will have the ability to ... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

There are two main types of learning when it comes to dog training. Some may use one over the other while other may use a combination of the... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

When you are ready for some type of training for your German shepherd, you should understand the breed first. By researching a little bit in... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

Perhaps one of the things that dog owners dread most is locking their dog up or kenneling them because they are afraid that they will leave ... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

Congratulations on the new member of your family! It doesn't matter if that new member is a canine, is furry and has four feet. He (or s... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

A choke chain is made primarily from metal with a sliding ring that is attached to the leash of your dog. Choke chains have often been the t... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

If you want to be the one to walk your dog instead of the other way around, you will have to take the leash by both hands and start training... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

Pit bulls sometimes get a bad rap. While there are some unscrupulous people out there who train these dogs to fight, many people have good-n... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

Separation anxiety is described as an apprehension or a fear your dog experiences when the owner leaves them. For example, if you, the pet o... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

Whether you want to train your dog for competition or you just want a lovable companion with good manners, leash training for your dog is an... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

Do you feel all alone in your quest for an obedient dog? Well, you are definitely not alone! Millions of people want a well-trained dog. Som... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

A dog obedience school is just a phone call or click of the mouse away. Being a responsible dog owner means obedience training. While some p... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

Some pet advocates feel that obedience training should be a prerequisite to adopting an animal and for pet ownership, especially for a dog. ... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

Interpreting your dog's body language can definitely help you understand his moods and receptiveness to training and other issues. Dogs ... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

Having a little puppy in the house can be a joy. It can also be quite a mess! There is nothing more disgusting than slipping in a little pid... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

When you see Chihuahuas, you probably think that they are easy to train. Well, the fact of the matter is this breed is dog is very headstron... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

There are two reasons that dogs dig. One reason is that your dog may be too hot or too cool. Digging a hole and lying in it acts as sort of ... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

Nothing is more heart-warming than having your puppy excited to see you. The only problem is what if your puppy is one of those who get so e... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

Bringing a canine furry four-footed member into the family can be an exciting and fun time. After all, who can resist the cute factor of imp... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

If you plan to train your dog on your own, that's ok. You should just have an idea of what to expect. It takes hard work! Also, after th... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

Don't be alarmed if your puppy starts taking a liking to gnawing on you. He is not being malicious; he is just being a normal puppy. You... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

What's a bird dog you might ask? Well, if you are a sportsman, specifically in hunting, a bird dog could help you find that elusive anim... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

You probably have seen your dog eat grass every so often. Many experts don't exactly know why they do it, but it is just a part of doggi... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

The heeling command is very useful for dog owners. Basically the heel command is just like it sounds. You want your dog to return to the ... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

If your household has young children and your dog growls when they or someone else gets near their food bowl during meal time, you likely ha... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

If you are looking into adopting a Great Pyrenees, be sure to plan on some obedience training in your future. These are lovely animals who w... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

If you plan to train your dog using a remote system technique, there are a few things you need to remember, some general principles, if you ... [...]

bagindo - - dog training

A training collar is but one name for the apparatus that goes around your dog's neck. These items are called choke collars, slip collars... [...]