Training your dog is important for a peaceful co-existence between you and your in your daily family life. Obedience training should be a requisite no matter what kind of dog you have - whether it is a mutt or AKC registered or laid back or stubborn. If you do not train your dog, he will be more apt to be depressed as well as exhibit increasingly bad behaviors. This makes matters worse around your household.

There is one ordinary blunder that many people make when trying to train their dog. They do not direct their dogs; rather they just try to teach them. You must show your dog the appropriate behavior and reinforce it. One of the first commands you want to teach your dog is the "sit" command. Before you start, make sure that you remove any distractions. Take the dog a walk so that he can eliminate first. Having to go potty can make your dog antsy. Also, do not start a training session right after eating a meal. Just like with humans, dogs can become sleepy and want to be lazy.

Engage in some play time before beginning your training session. By doing this, your dog is not only burning off a little excess energy, but he will also be more receptive and engaging in your training lesson. Make sure that you have some treats ready for reward time. Part of what makes dog training so successful is consistency. No matter what happens, make sure that you act in the same manner each time. For instance, don't reward him one time for behavior then not another. This will only confuse him.

So what do you do when your dog becomes distracted and tries to wander off? You withhold the treat and lead your dog back into the original position from which he started. Repeat the command and wait to see if he performs it. If he does not perform the specific behavior, then perhaps a break time is in order.

If, during the course of your training session, your dog runs off, do not chase it. With an authoritative voice and calm demeanor, reissue the command. If your dog does not follow it, firmly lead him back and reward him. Eventually, if you keep repeating the process, your dog will associate positive reinforcement with the desired behavior.

Do not assume that just because your dog has mastered the basic commands that he is ready to be sans leash. You must practice the commands, both with the leash and without. Then take him to a park where there are other people to form distractions. Go through the command process around all the excess stimuli. When your dog performs appropriately, give him a treat. When he does not, show him the correct way and try again.

If your dog appears clueless about what you want from him and does not appear to be distracted from outside forces, do not become upset with him. Become a better communicator. Help him with the command and physically show him if necessary. However, if distractions are causing delays in his training, then it would be appropriate to correct him.

Dog training is important. It should be a requirement for each dog adoption from a shelter or to obtain a dog license through your city. Of course, the main reason why dog training is a must is to maintain the family unit and enrich it with the presence of your four-footed family friend.


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